Hi everyone!
Some of you may have been wondering where I've been the last several weeks (or has it been months), but that is for a whole different post. I promise to let you know, and sprinkle you with all of the details later, but as of right now I have shoes on the mind.
Why shoes, and why now? Spring is upon us, and that means the start of a great outdoors season. The trees are starting to bud, and the trails are drying up around here which means lots of feet that need covering. Plus, summer is just around the corner, and for those of us who love the outdoors that means camping. So, I have started my hunt for outdoor gear and being a woman that requires a good shoe.
I have yet to buy myself a pair, but here are some that I have found online that I wouldn't mind finding in a store and trying on, which I might add is a must before purchasing any outdoor shoe.

This shoe by Ahnu is the first one that caught my eye while searching REI's women's footwear page which is a great place to start if you are looking online for possibilities. It got my attention because it is feminine and comes in multiple colors while still being supportive and waterproof. Plus, at $140.00 they are higher end, but not extremely expensive for their quality.
Looking for something a little more traditional? Try the Newton Ridge Plus from Columbia. Similar to the Ahnu option they are waterproof and supportive, but have the extra of being stain resistant. Plus they can be found for $90.
I also really love these New Balance Trail 810v3's for hiking, but also because I like versatility. Currently, my hiking shoes are also my walking and workout shoes. These could do the same thing, and they're cute!
You can find some other really good options online. Some options like these Nevados I found on places like Amazon and Ebay which are great if you need to keep it cheap.
Hopefully this inspired the inner hiker in some of you. I'd like to know what you all hike in. Do you hike in your Vans? Sandals? Let me know!
Keep It Wild Ya'll!!

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